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Make a Contribution

Thank you so much for accompanying me on this year-long journey. Your prayers and support are deeply appreciated. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to support the costs of my YAV year, please read the instructions below before clicking the "Donate" button.

Giving Online

Please click on the donate button or go to To ensure all donations made are properly credited, please include both my name and ECO account number in the YAV Details section online (Claire Kim E210901). All donations are tax-deductible. Donors giving online are able to make a one-time donation or self-select for monthly giving at a $10/per month minimum. 

Thank you so much for your generous contribution!


Giving via Check

Checks can be made out to Presbyterian Church, (U.S.A.). In the memo section, please write my name and ECO number (Claire Kim E210901) to ensure that it is counted toward my fundraising goal. Finally, mail to this address: 

Presbyterian Church, (USA)

P.O. Box 643700

Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700

All donations are tax-deductible.

Thank you so much for your generous contribution!

Fundraising Goal

The cost to support a YAV is on average $30,000 per year. This covers airfare to and from the site, transportation within the country, lodging, food, and a basic living stipend. Through your generous support and the generosity of the PC(USA), I have successfully reached my fundraising goal! Further contributions are still welcome and can be made throughout the year. I sincerely appreciate your heartfelt support and investment in my spiritual and vocational development.

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