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  • clairenicea

YAV Orientation: August 21-25, 2024 in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico

Orientation was a blast! I got to meet my fellow Young Adult Volunteers as well as community members from Douglas and Agua Prieta, towns on either side of the US-Mexico border, respectively. I learned that when doing justice work, singing, dancing, laughing, and eating together are just as important as having serious discussions and organizing protests. Cultivating joy, community, and solidarity with one another creates an ongoing tangible reminder of what exactly we are fighting for rather than just what we are fighting against. It generates positive energy to balance out the negative energy, frustration, and grief that often come with justice work. This way, our cups can continue to be filled along the way, enabling us to go longer and further together, knowing that change takes time and requires patience, persistence, and perseverance. Below are some photos from our time together. Blessings to you and to my fellow YAVs around the world!

A double rainbow greeting us upon our arrival to Agua Prieta 🌈🌈

Visiting a migrant shelter started by the Catholic community where one of the YAVs volunteered for the past five years


Dancing and singing circle led by Pastor Joca of First Presbyterian Church of Douglas

Sampling fruit from the DouglaPrieta Works women's work co-op permaculture garden

At the US-Mexico border in the Arizona desert.

Wildlife truly flourishes in the absence of human exploitation.

"The wall" — beauty and hope emerge from a place of fear and sorrow

"How low can you go..."

Line dancing to conclude our YAV talent show at the end of orientation! (my idea 😆)

Sunday Worship at First Presbyterian Church of Douglas, AZ

Final goodbyes as we head to our respective sites in Scotland, Mexico, Colombia, New York, Montana, and New Orleans!

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